Community Meal and Room in the Inn Shoals

Community Meal: (Sarah Heckert)

Every Monday night, Trinity serves a community meal to anyone in need.  This is a hot meal, prepared and served by Trinity parishioners, as well as other community members interested in participating.  Serving begins at 5:30 and is open to all.  If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact our Community Meal Coordinator, Sarah Heckert.


Room in the Inn Shoals: (Betsy Heckert)

Room in the Inn is a winter homeless ministry in which Trinity Episcopal participates. Beginning in November thru March, Trinity hosts two nights a month, usually on Mondays. This ministry provides food and shelter to those in need. Teams are needed to help provide food for dinner and breakfast, serve and clean up the evening meal, and fellowship and socialize with the guests until bedtime. Volunteers are needed for 4-10 pm shifts. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, you may contact Betsy Heckert for training and sign up.

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